

Deja Newton

  • Login: dnewton
  • Registered on: 09/29/2021
  • Last connection: 05/16/2022


open closed Total
Assigned issues 3 0 3
Reported issues 1 0 1


Project Roles Registered on
Rule Reserve R&D Developer 03/10/2022
Output 6: Community Developer 03/24/2022
ERA WG Developer 10/15/2021
ERA Project #000001 Developer 04/06/2022
ERA Project #000002 Developer 04/13/2022



02:11 AM ERA Project #000001 Support #79: Location of Farmland in Lacombe, Alberta to develop a contiguous shape file
Joseph Potvin wrote in #note-9:
> Interesting -- we see the obvious night-day and spring-summer-autumn-winter variat...
Deja Newton


03:12 PM ERA Project #000001 Support #92 (New): Please review my graphs and my questions
Deja Newton
03:12 PM ERA Project #000001 Support #79: Location of Farmland in Lacombe, Alberta to develop a contiguous shape file
Deja Newton wrote in #note-7:
> My original plan was to use QGIS and find the NDVI the traditional way, but after le...
Deja Newton
03:11 PM ERA Project #000001 Support #79 (In Progress): Location of Farmland in Lacombe, Alberta to develop a contiguous shape file
My original plan was to use QGIS and find the NDVI the traditional way, but after learning about Sentinel hub, I figu... Deja Newton


02:55 PM ERA Project #000001 Support #79: Location of Farmland in Lacombe, Alberta to develop a contiguous shape file
Setting a goal to have this complete by next Friday. Deja Newton


10:52 AM 6.1 Comms Support #70: Edits to Deja's blog entry "Making a Bezier Spline"
Joseph Potvin wrote:
> I worked on this round of edits outside of GitLab
Deja Newton


02:49 PM Output 6: Community Wiki edit: 2022-03-31 (#6)
Deja Newton
02:48 PM Output 6: Community Wiki edit: 2022-03-31 (#5)
Deja Newton
02:48 PM Output 6: Community Wiki edit: 2022-03-31 (#4)
Deja Newton

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