- Core Projects (Outputs)
Xalgorithms Foundation Inc. serves as the organizational home for strategy, project portfolio management, acquisitions and contracts management, administrative coordination and as financial trustee of Xalgorithms Alliance.
Xalgorithms Alliance is comprised of organizational and individual members who collaborate to resource, conceptualize, create, document, deploy, promote, protect and advance free/libre/open source software, protocols, services and use-cases to enable a distributed, general-purpose method for any person to author, publish, discover, fetch, scrutinize, prioritize and optionally automate rules on digital networks and over the Internet with precision, simplicity, scale and speed. ...
- 1.1 DWDS Dissertation
Citation: Potvin, J. et. al. (Forthcoming, 2022). Data With Direction: IS + RULE --> OUGHT. Article in partial fulfillment of a Doctorate in Administration (Project Management). Université du Québec. Canada.
You will find PDF and ODT copies of the current version here....
- 2.1 Rule Maker v3
To develop the third version of a Rule Maker reference implementation interface and back-end that will allow users to easily author rules in conformance with DWDS. This is intended to answer the question:
What pathways are taken and what prompts are needed in order to enable a user to identify, select and express a natural language sentence in structured natural language along with the required data sources? ...
- 6.1 Comms
Xalgorithms Internal and External Communications
- DWDS Learnstream
DWDS learning packages, services and items.
- Working Groups
Hosted by Xalgorithms Foundation, Working Groups convene people to solve a class of problem though the practical application of the Data With Direction Specification (DWDS).
Each Working Group operates for the purposes and within the scope documented in its written charter....
- Certified Subset Currency
This framework provides a way for participants along a supply chain to establish decentralized rules-based subsets of conventional currencies in order to anchor payment worth (expressed with money through price) to an agreed set of economic fundamentals.
- Economic Petri Dish WG
This model is designed to test a choice of indexing methods for supply contracts.
Implemented in NetLogo, the model contains two classes of agents: households and firms. It always contains a certain number of firms which produce homogeneous consumer goods and sell them to households. In addition, the model can contain an arbitrary number of primary and intermediary good firms which supply inputs to one another and to the consumer good firms. The model allows for an arbitrarily complex network of primary and intermediate firms supplying goods to one another, and ultimately, to the consumer goods firms. The purpose of this added complexity compared to prior MABMs is to address two interrelated research questions: ...
Earth Reserve Assurance (ERA) is a framework for the determination of monetary value and quantity in a multi-currency system with no central reference unit of account. The Earth is the warehouse for 200-year assurance of the capacity to produce primary commodities, verified with measures of ongoing change to ecological integrity and resource availability. ERA Operations Nodes, which are operated by central banks and decentralized autonomous organizations, would issue, buy and sell ERA Deposit Receipts. These are specialized financial instruments that are issued for verifiable deposits to the Earth Reserve. ...
- ERA Project #000001
Wiersma Family Farm in Lacombe, Alberta
This project is the first genuine implementation of the Earth Reserve Assurance mechanism.
Details on the way.
- ERA Project #000002
Wiersma Family Farm in Mayview, Saskatchewan
- ERA-dr for Topsoil Quantity/Quality
NOTE: This is draft text. Please share comments with Joseph [email protected] or open an issue here:
We are designing, documenting and validating a new type of tradable deposit receipt. ...
- Online Proposal Appraisal (OPA)
What is OPA?¶
OPA is a full-featured online proposal appraisal system suitable for the end-to-end administration of any proposal request, submission, appraisal, selection and budgeting process, through to reporting, report review, approval, dissemination, and discussion. It can be used for:...
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