Design #155
openAdjust the sentence elements and examples
Working with additional sentence examples has led me to conclude that the naming as well as the default order of the elements should change. Also I have more examples to offer RM users (8 instead of 4). The existing four examples have been modified too.
I attach a table showing the new naming and default order of the syntactic elements, along with 8 sample sentences in English. The spreadsheet is also online here
(I will not be updating the specification/dissertation posted online just yet, as I don't want to risk interfering with the academic review. The present improvement to the linguistic structure of the sentence template in these details does not alter the DWDS system design. So instead I'll mention this change during thesis defense, and with jury approval I'll implement it then for the final submission.)
Updated by Huda Hussain about 2 years ago
- Assignee changed from Huda Hussain to Joseph Potvin
Updated by Joseph Potvin about 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Priority changed from Urgent to Normal
Adjust the order in the specification (dissertation).