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Craig Atkinson, 10/11/2021 02:45 AM

Draft Content

TEMPORARY NOTE: All content for Xalgorithms website launch to be triaged here!

Category 1 - About Xalgorithms, the model and people / community

A Decentralized Collaborative Community.

Learn more about the @Xalgorithms Foundation and Alliance of contributors on the #new @Xalgorithms website!

Want to engage in substantive discussions on #RulesasData?

Join the @Xalgorithms mailing list!

Did you know that ideas bounce?

They do. Really!

Check out the community page on the #new @Xalgorithms website!

#RulesasData #community

How can you create a flexible, high tolerance brand for a decentralized #FreeSoftware community?

Learn how Calvin Hutcheon (@millennialglyph) has pulled this off with the #new @Xalgorithms identity!

#FOSS #Libre #Design #HeadlessBrand #OpenSource

"I get to write as I learn my way... for those reading, this is an invitation to join me and us."

Deja Netwon's journey @Xalgorithms began here. Check out her #blog to learn about her role on the team and other #ERA contributors.

#GIS #Communications

Navigating #impostersyndrome, #tech, and #EarthReserve Assurance, check out Deja's insights on what it means to be #BlackinTech and her work on #ERA!

#GIS #Communications

Category 2 - About technical methods, approaches and philosophy

#Data With Direction!

Instantaneously discover and transmit rules-as-data in a way that is directly usable by anyone and by any platform, for any purpose, in any language.

#DWD #RulesasData

Learn more on the #new @Xalgorithms website!

"The Bezier Spline itself is a useful way to draw continuous curves by using a few simple equations..."

Deja's diving headfirst into visualizing the #ERA index curve via @projectjupyter and @plotlygraphs.

Check out her blog on the @Xalgorithms website!

Category 3 - About use cases, research and development

Growing up in Canada’s port city of Halifax, #trade has always been a part of @craigaatkinson’s life.

Now, with @xalgorithms @Xalgo4Trade, he’s on a mission to advance #rules and the #Internet for #tradefacilitation / #digitaltrade.


Wondering how #EarthReserve Assurance (#ERA) use case work @xalgorithms is going?

Check out Deja's updates on using #GIS to calculate normalized difference vegetation index (#NDVI) across #ecoregions!

Will Conboy, an undergraduate at @NorthwesternU, is working with @Xalgorithms and Northwestern's CCL to use an #economic #framework - #EarthReserveAssurance (#ERA) - that aligns both economic and #environmental incentives!

#agentbasedmodelling #ABM

Updated by Craig Atkinson about 3 years ago · 29 revisions