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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
235 2.1 Rule Maker v3 Bug New Normal The (i.e. the non-dev) instance of RuleMaker needs an update Huda Hussain 04/03/2024 10:56 AM Actions
229 2.1 Rule Maker v3 Design New High When RM is saves a record with a lookup table, the filename should be 'lookup...' not 'rule...' Huda Hussain 07/03/2024 07:40 PM Actions
227 2.1 Rule Maker v3 Bug New Normal Columns don't need to be shifted for lookup tables. Huda Hussain 08/03/2023 03:37 PM Actions
226 2.1 Rule Maker v3 Bug New Normal Show loading bar when loading in array Huda Hussain 08/01/2023 10:07 PM Actions
225 2.1 Rule Maker v3 Bug New Normal Add scrolling to both rows and columns in lookup table Huda Hussain 08/01/2023 10:03 PM Actions
221 2.1 Rule Maker v3 Feature New Normal Add a Free/Libre LLM Service to RuleMaker for Users to Optionally Pre-Parse Convoluted Source Rule Texts Don Kelly 07/26/2023 10:08 PM Actions
217 2.1 Rule Maker v3 Design New Normal Adjust the RuleMaker navigator UI so that Logic Gate and Lookup Table are a mutually exclusive choice Huda Hussain 09/17/2024 04:06 PM Actions
215 2.1 Rule Maker v3 Feature New Normal Create an optional window that shows the JSON window of lookup table/ logic gate Huda Hussain 08/03/2023 08:00 PM Actions
212 2.1 Rule Maker v3 Bug New Normal Import/Export: Filter the shown list for only ".json" files Huda Hussain 06/29/2023 02:08 PM Actions
209 2.1 Rule Maker v3 Support New Normal WHEN-WHEN-THEN lookup table: Make 'clickable' text noticeable by making giving it a light grey highlight background Huda Hussain 06/28/2023 01:44 AM Actions
208 2.1 Rule Maker v3 Support New Normal WHEN-WHEN-THEN lookup table: Put a mid-tone dark grey border around each cell Huda Hussain 06/28/2023 02:17 AM Actions
207 2.1 Rule Maker v3 Support New Normal WHEN-WHEN-THEN lookup table: Question about "GIVEN" Huda Hussain 06/28/2023 01:38 AM Actions
205 2.1 Rule Maker v3 Bug New Normal WHEN-WHEN-THEN lookup table: Ability to remove the 'Inner row' Huda Hussain 06/28/2023 02:14 AM Actions
204 2.1 Rule Maker v3 Bug New High WHEN-WHEN-THEN lookup table: I tried to export locally to see the JSON file, but didn't find anything from this lookup table Huda Hussain 06/28/2023 01:34 AM Actions
200 2.1 Rule Maker v3 Feature New Normal Create a start up guide with Calvin Huda Hussain 05/16/2023 04:15 PM Actions
199 2.1 Rule Maker v3 Design New Normal Move position of rule_group in the json output and on UI Huda Hussain 06/29/2023 03:16 PM Actions
197 2.1 Rule Maker v3 Feature New Normal Create a toggle to explain color significance Huda Hussain 05/08/2023 03:41 PM Actions
196 2.1 Rule Maker v3 Bug New Normal Add grey toned underline to the input conditions. 03/01/2023 08:54 PM Actions
184 Online Proposal Appraisal (OPA) Feature New Normal Here is the Conservation Investment Classification Scheme I created for the Global Environment Facility in 1992 Ted Kim 01/27/2023 07:38 PM Actions
183 ERA WG Design New Normal How is the relevant data tracked for ERA projects, and ERA deposit receipts? Joseph Potvin 01/24/2023 11:57 PM Actions
182 ERA WG Design New High End-to-End Workflow for ERA Projects Joseph Potvin 01/24/2023 09:59 PM Actions
180 ERA WG Bug New Normal Describe the role of community networks for ERA verification and validation Calvin Hutcheon 01/24/2023 05:56 PM Actions
179 ERA WG Design New Normal Describe criteria and options for the physical+electronic instantiation of ERA deposit receipts Calvin Hutcheon 02/04/2023 10:57 PM Actions
178 ERA WG Support New Normal Technical Walkthrough of ERA and Economic Petri Dish Models (with focus on ERA mechanisms) Jacob Kelter 01/24/2023 03:55 PM Actions
177 ERA WG Support New High Design and Create an ERA 'Pitch' (Web & PDF) to Potential Donors Calvin Hutcheon 01/24/2023 03:11 PM Actions
(51-75/150) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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